The Divine Openings in the Wounds from Painful Relationships

My six month program to guide you through transmuting the pain from your past relationships into spiritual acceleration, self confidence, and unwavering self love.

You want to understand all the spiritual lessons from the emotional agony that made you lose yourself, that made you become smaller and smaller. You want to heal emotionally, to find the roots of in your shadow that .

You’re ready to find your way home into who you are, to face the heart-shattering experiences so you can discover your Divine self on the other side.

You want to know yourself.

To be able to stand firm in your experience and perspective, even if the people closest to you aren’t able to understand you, or reject you.

To prioritize your own needs as worthy of time, attention, and effort, both from yourself and others.

To trust yourself and know that you won’t ever abandon yourself. You won’t allow another relationship into your life that makes you feel small, uncertain, and leaves you feeling disrespected and discarded.

You want to be your own greatest champion. You want to fight for yourself, to love yourself fiercely, to defend yourself, to treat yourself as precious and wonderful. To sacrifice for yourself, to move mountains for yourself. And then you want to open your heart to allow someone else to do the same, and you’re ready to recognize that it was always what you deserved.

Releasing the elements of the roles and masks that you’ve worn which aren’t yours. Discovering which elements are yours. The caretaker, rescuer, empath. The nice one, the people pleaser, the responsible one, the smart one. Perfectionist, trying never to ask for help because “I’m fine, it’s fine,” always helping.

You’ve been in at least one relationship, where one or more of the following was true…

⥈ You experienced a profound level of emotional pain that left you feeling confused, lost, and deeply disconnected from yourself and the Divine.

⥈ You felt incredibly powerless, unwanted, and small in a way that you don’t in other areas of your life. This person anger, rejection, or cruelty took you through emotional rollercoasters

⥈ You wanted to figure out what spiritual lessons were there for you, but you couldn’t get clear on what they were. You believe that people come into our lives for a reason but you don’t feel clear on exactly why you went through these complicated relationships.

⥈ You recognized, maybe with some guilt, that this person was holding you back from your own growth.

⥈ You repeatedly tolerated behavior that you knew wasn’t okay.

⥈ You worked really, really hard to figure the other person out – what they needed, what they wanted, how to manage their moods, how to help and support them – and you did not get the same from them. They most likely did the exact opposite, frequently making you doubt yourself or tearing you down, subtly or overtly.

⥈ You tried to adjust your behavior and you tried to adapt to them as much as you could, but your efforts were never enough.

⥈ You were aware of how much pain the other person was in. Perhaps they had mental health struggles, went through trauma, had a difficult childhood, or all of those factors combined. You knew that their pain caused a lot of their more volatile or difficult behavior, and you wanted to give them the love you knew they needed even though they didn’t always treat you well. Perhaps you felt like you had to rescue them, or like you had to save them from their own destructive, impulsive, or addictive behavior.

⥈ You found yourself repeating a pattern: multiple relationships with the same dynamics, over and over.

⥈ You’ve repeated the same pattern across multiple relationships and you want to understand the opportunity for growth this pattern is presenting, so you can stop the cycle and embrace your strength.

How trying to always be “nice” was of abandoning yourself.

How your underlying self doubt made it hard for you to see manipulation tactics. When the other person is so sure that you’re wrong, and they keep pushing and pushing you, and how hard it can be to stand firm in the face of that confident aggression.

How even asking for what you want feels difficult, much less standing completely firm in your needs.