a hand reaching out

Stepping into

Service as a Practitioner

My six month program to help you launch your practice, offering both transformational healing and logistical nuts & bolts support.

You’re meant to be a powerful practitioner.

The world needs practitioners right now, which means the world needs you.

One or more of the things that might be holding you back…

  • You’ve dreamed about launching a wellness, coaching, or healing practice for years, but you keep waiting for the right time, which never comes.

  • You’re ready to make the leap, but you’re not sure where to start and would benefit from concrete guidance that helps you figure out the practical steps, such as which platforms and methods to use to get yourself out there.

  • You lack confidence around particular aspects of being a practitioner.

  • You’ve come close to launching a practice, or you did launch but then life derailed you.

  • You struggle to believe that you have the skills to help others or to believe that you have healing talents, or you feel like they aren’t at a professional level yet.

  • You wonder why anyone would want to work with you when there are so many other amazing practitioners out there.

  • You don’t feel like you’re “together” enough to step into this role.

  • You’ve been coping with difficult experiences from your childhood or past, which may make you feel like you’re not good enough, or that you’ll always be rejected.

  • You have people in your life right now who don’t believe in you or support you in the ways you need.

Wherever you are in your process – whether you can’t even imagine launching a practice, or whether you’re this close and just need help making it a reality – this program is here to help you get your gifts out into the world.

I would be privileged and honored to guide you through your initiation so that you can answer your soul’s calling to help others.

What does “launching” mean in this program?

Extremely simple: launching means exactly what YOU want it to mean. Whatever obstacles or challenges you’re facing are unique to your situation, so there are no cookie cutter goals, only what’s going to help you further along YOUR path. Everything will be tailored to you specifically.

To give some examples, there are so many different options for how launching can look:

  • Keeping your day job and putting up a website to test the waters.

  • Quitting your soul sucking corporate job and using your savings or severance package to launch your practice.

  • Scaling back to a less demanding part-time job that will allow you to slowly grow your practice as you keep working.

  • Taking a class or certification program in your chosen modality.

  • Figuring out and refining how you want to combine various modalities together, or creating your own unique modality.

  • Taking your work public for the first time! Lots of options here: attending a wellness event or psychic fair as a vendor; offering free sessions to the public at a community center or park; teaming up with another practitioner to offer a combination of services to a group; renting a space at a local community gathering spot to offer a class, workshop, or sessions.

  • Letting your friends and family know about your plans and dreams, and/or asking if you can practice your modality with them.

sheera at waterfall

My name is Sheera, and I’ve been called into service to help other practitioners walk their paths.

My primary modalities are energy healing and Divine Guide Communication, and I live my life in service to Spirit. But believe me when I say: never in a MILLION years did I think I would ever get here. If you’d told me before that this was where my life was going to go, I would have laughed right in your face. 😂

I spent so much of my life:

  • Doubting myself and feeling like a failure, especially a spiritual failure.

  • Devaluing my skills and innate healing abilities, and overall feeling like I was never good enough.

  • Allowing others to dictate my life. I had so much fear of disappointing those I love.

  • Longing to move towards my dream, and taking steps to make it happen, but always getting discouraged before I could gain momentum.

Not a minute of that time I struggled was wasted.

All of it contributed to my training to become the healer I am now. I became intimately familiar with navigating those challenges and the specific emotional blocks and painful beliefs that created them.

Combine that experience with my natural superpowers of organization, planning, strategy, and deep & detailed thinking, and I finally realized that I was made for this kind of work! I spent ten years running my own food business before launching my practice, so I’m very familiar the nuts and bolts and the emotional aspects of having your own business.

Together, we’ll discover how your life has been preparing you for this work, what your natural superpowers are, and how you can transmute the challenges you’ve experienced into support, love, and compassion for your future clients.

Cong’s Transition from the Corporate World to Opening Nphiphany Coaching

Six months ago, I met Sheera in a spiritual marketplace, not knowing what I was searching in my future, with the realization that my long and successful corporate career is not going to serve my purpose of teaching the world. Immediately we sensed a mutual connection. I knew that she was the role model and mentor I was always looking for. I joined Sheera’s 6-month program seeking clarity, healing, and a deeper connection to myself and my purpose. What unfolded during our time together was beyond anything I could have imagined.

Sheera has an incredible ability to connect deeply and intuitively, with a calm presence of a zen master. She is gifted in creating a sacred space where transformation feels not only possible but inevitable. Her work goes straight to the heart of what holds us back—our core emotional wounds, especially of souls with neurodivergent tendencies. Through her compassionate guidance, I was able to discover new layers of wounding and understand and release these patterns with a sense of empowerment and grace.

Sheera's connection to the Divine and her Spirit Guides brought clarity and healing that felt deeply personal and profound. The spiritual guides report she provided is comprehensive and thorough, showing her strength and confidence as a channel. She showed me how to connect with my own Spirit Guides, opening a pathway to wisdom and inspiration that had always been within me but was waiting to be awakened.

One of Sheera’s greatest strengths is her ability to seamlessly blend spiritual insight with practical support. She didn’t just help me clarify the services I wanted to offer as a transformation coach and intuitive guide—she gave me the knowledge, tools and confidence to bring my vision to life. Her foresight about my path and divine timing was stunningly accurate, and her faith in my potential was the spark that lit the fire within me.

Sheera’s personalized approach—combining energy work, intuitive guidance, and emotional healing—helped me uncover my true self. Her ability to see the best in me and reflect it back gave me the strength to step fully into my calling. Today, after merely 6 months, I am proud to have my energy enterprise up and running, living my purpose, sharing my gifts, and helping others, all thanks to the clarity and empowerment I found through Sheera’s program.

If you’re seeking spiritual growth, emotional healing, or the confidence to step into your purpose as a healer with solid foundations, I cannot recommend Sheera enough. She is a gifted healer, a wise guide, and a powerful ally on the journey to becoming your highest self.

Not long after I connected with my Divine Guides, my mother’s came through as well, and they took us both on a six month journey of helping her reclaim the voice she had lost.

sheera and mother oris

Oris’s Journey to Singing Again

“When my daughter started working with me, I wasn’t taking good care of myself. I was having physical challenges speaking and pronouncing words. My jaw and teeth were causing me pain daily. Then she told me that my Guides wanted to help me, and that she was here to help me, and I realized how much I needed help.

I have been looking for my spiritual path as long as I can remember. Classes, workshops, so many different teachers. I felt so connected when I was with others, but it was so difficult to keep up when I was home again. Then my Guides sent the message that they “would not rest until I was using my gifts to make a difference other people’s lives,” and that was my final wake up call to stop waiting! That my Guides were putting in so much work, and it was time for me stop resisting and finally take my steps.

She helped work through my fears of channeling and connected me with another healer who helped me release so many negative energies I was carrying in my jaw. We released old traumas that my body still remembered even though I hadn’t thought about them in years. She created a dental care routine with energy work exercises to heal my mouth and open up my voice.

Now, I am singing again, and channeling sound healing like the Divine Instrument that the Creator designed me to be. The people I am practicing with are giving me such lovely feedback, and I am so joyous to be fulfilling my purpose.”


  • Connect with Your Divine Guide Team for Spiritual Support & Healing. Your Guides are deeply invested in helping you in this work and will support you every step of the way.

  • Integrate Past Lessons. Exploring the lessons from your past, both to help you integrate them and to see where they will be integral to your work.

  • Assess Current Life Obstacles, Emotional Blocks, and Painful Beliefs. Figuring out everything that’s holding you back energetically.

  • Clarity on Your Purpose. Tapping deep into your soul’s calling.

  • Create a Comprehensive Logistical Plan with Tangible Milestones. Defining your goals and how we’re going to track your progress along the way.


  • Deep Emotional Healing Work, Spiritual Counseling, and Energy Healing. I’ll use processes and modalities like: helping you work directly with your Divine Guides to receive their healing; shadow work; inner child work; pendulum healing; crystal healing; sigils; frequencies for clair activation and spiritual acceleration; divine atomic crystalline healing to activate your original divine blueprint – and that’s just to name some of the possibilities!

  • Logistical Progress. Continue working out the nuts and bolts of your business and hitting those tangible milestones. What those milestones look like are going to be completely individualized to your situation. Some potential examples are:

  • deciding on a name that represents your offering and resonates deeply with you

  • figuring out who can help the most and refining your services with those future clients in mind

  • exploring strategies for how you’re going to connect with your future clients

  • the package includes the option of 6 hours of my admin services; if you decide to take advantage of this option, we’ll see where I can strategically support you


  • The Way Forward. As the emotional weight from the blocks we’ve cleared falls away, we focus on creating what’s next: emotionally, spiritually, and for your practice.

  • Supervised Practice Sessions. For those who would benefit from this option. More details in the section below.

  • Launch & Celebrate You! Getting you launched! Thoroughly celebrating you and all of your achievements! Processing the feelings that come up, and using all the information we gather from your launch to inform your six month post-launch plan.

  • Sixth Month Plan. Setting you up with a solid operating plan for your first six months post-launch.

  • Certificate. You will receive a certificate upon completion of the program.

What’s Included

Zoom Sessions Every Other Week

We’ll have a 1 hr 15 min Zoom session every other week to keep you on track, while also giving you time to integrate and to implement your steps forward. You’ll be provided with a recording so that you can reference our work together anytime you need.

Email Support & Accountability Between Sessions

We’ll stay in touch by email to keep track of your progress. If you have space in your life to work on assignments between sessions, I’ll give you exercises, journaling prompts, spiritual skills practice, and more to get you moving even faster.

Full Divine Spirit Guide Report

A full report of what different types of Guides that are on your team (Deities, Angelic Beings, Star Beings, Nature Spirits, Etc.). This includes information about how these Guides are here to help you, and their specific names where applicable, and which specific Guides are stepping forward for you at this time with suggestions for how to get started working with them. Most practitioners I work with have between 24-64 Divine Spirit Guides. (They’re showing up in large numbers because of the volatile and pivotal time that’s happening on Earth right now.)

Option: 6 hours Admin Support

For those that would benefit from admin support in the process of launching, this program includes 6 hours, applied wherever you feel it would be most beneficial. This can include: basic website creation, basic graphic work like banners, brochures, flyers, etc., email organization, organizing/streamlining your materials, helping you develop new materials, etc. If you’re interested in learning any of those aforementioned skills yourself, we could also use the time for me to teach you how do those things. If you don't need any admin services, we can convert this into 2.5 hours of Zoom sessions instead.

Option: Supervised Practice Sessions

If you’d benefit from hands on practice and you’re able to do remote sessions, you’ll have opportunities during our biweekly Zoom calls towards the end of the program. I’ll connect you with people willing to do practice sessions with you, and be present during the session, ready to step in if you find you need backup for any reason. If you only do in-person sessions we’ll brainstorm how to find people for you to practice with, and then we can create something similar where I'll be present on Zoom, to provide support remotely.

A 6 Month Post-Launch Plan for Your Practice

We’ll set you up to move forward into your practice with confidence and a well-planned structure to help you continue growing.

Program Certificate

You’ll receive a certificate of completion for this program which you can add to your professional credentials.

BONUS: Free Membership to Any Membership Programs I Create

I’m planning to create membership program(s) to create a space for lightworkers, healers, and practitioners where we can support each other emotionally and with group healing. You will receive a free membership. The membership will also includes access to the resource library I’ll be creating for the community, which will have things such as admin resources (templates, lists, etc.), healing videos & recordings, spiritual guidance transmissions, light language transmissions, and more.


  • This program is open to all kinds of practitioners who support people, whether that’s helping people learn about themselves, or supporting their growth or healing. That includes but is not limited to: energy healers, tarot, astrology, numerology, witches and other magical practitioners, holistic health, herbal healing, movement practitioners like qigong, coaching, and consulting.

  • If you feel called, trust that. I learned very quickly once I started incorporating divine guidance into my life that sometimes these things don’t seem to make sense on paper, but when my soul knows what direction I need to go, it knows, in a way I frequently can’t fully understand until much later. I honor that for myself and for others, so please reach out if you are being guided to do so, and we’ll figure out together why we’re being connected! It might be so I can refer you to someone I know, we might work well together in a different capacity, or something else entirely!

  • Here’s something to consider: for the longest time, I thought there was a way I was “supposed to” be spiritual. That spiritual progress meant that I had to be good at closed eye meditations, visualizing, seeing colors or auras, and sensing energy physically, etc.

    I was so, so wrong. None of the healing work I do depends on those things that I was convinced were essential. I have performed incredibly powerful healing with many people using my innate talents and strengths, and my claircognizance and clairsentience have both opened up along the way. The two clairs which I’d never really given much thought to before are now a deeply integral part of my life!

    Your Guides are going to be working with us every step of the way, as well, and if we run into strong blocks, they’re coming up because it’s time to heal them.

  • Fantastic! We can condense the program into three months. The two changes are: 1) we would do our meetings on Zoom weekly instead of every other week, and 2) if you decide to do a payment plan, it would be eight months instead of eleven months.

  • Not a problem! If everything goes faster than we anticipate, then we’ll switch over to giving you healing and logistical support for your immediate post-launch phase. We’ll evaluate how people are responding to your offerings, how you’re feeling, any challenges you’re facing as you step into your new role.

  • This program is about one thing, and one thing only: supporting you and where you want to go. If things change during the program, life circumstances happen, or you discover some deeper layers of emotional work that take precedence to focus on, there will never be any kind of pressure to do anything you’re truly not ready for. No matter what happens, we’ll do everything we can to set you up for whatever your next steps are, giving you plenty of tools and a plan.

  • Since you’ll be a member of my monthly membership program, The Cosmic Kei Lun Collective, you can request support from the group during our monthly meetings. Or you’re always welcome to book a session with me; I’d be delighted to continue working together! If you feel that doing a second program would be beneficial, later this year I will be creating a program for practitioners who want to go deeper into their spiritual work.


OPTION 1: Payment Plan

$363.63 / month for 11 months.

$4,000 total.

OPTION 2: Pay in Full

$3,750 total.


Start an Application for the Program

Please fill out the form below to start an application for the program. You’ll be under no obligation. We’ll discuss further to make sure that we’re a good match to work together.

If you prefer to do a discovery call, please schedule a free 30 minute call with me here.