“Now my practice moved into a higher level and grown in an incredible way I never expected.”
“It has been my privilege to work with Sheera the past several months. I had noticed a shift in my energy healing practice. I seemed to be going down a different path but I was unsure of the direction to take. I needed guidance. Sheera’s ability to connect with the Guides and angels made all the difference. When we work together, she passes on their suggestions and supportive messages. She also helped me to open up my own connection to my angels. I always felt that they were there but didn’t know how to work with them. The first time she took me through exercises for my intuition, I didn’t think anything would come through but I was shocked at how accurate the that came through information was. She is also an organizing whiz! She got my inbox, which was full of fifteen thousand emails, into a system and walked me through how to do it myself with the patience of Job.
Now my practice moved into a higher level and grown in an incredible way I never expected. I’m able to release more energies for my clients in the same amount of time. The angels are guiding me on a path to be able to help more people.
Sheera will guide you in the direction intended for you and then the clients that can benefit will appear. I highly recommend Sheera to assist you in finding your new path, she has been a true blessing for me.”
– Barb P.
“It’s the kind of empathy where you can come to them at your most vulnerable and feel the safety of the judgment-free zone they create.”
“I have been friends with Sheera since the days of MySpace, AOL, and the Oregon Trail PC game. I was there for nearly every phase they describe in their About section, from following their lead at the Dyke March to burning my fingers on their freshly made tortillas because I couldn’t wait to eat them.
In all that time, the consistent quality that overwhelmingly defined my best friend throughout the years was their vast capacity for empathy. And it wasn’t just ordinary empathy. It was an incisive, intuitive, and intelligent kind of empathy. It’s the kind of empathy where you can come to them at your most vulnerable and feel the safety of the judgment-free zone they create. I cannot count the number of times I would marvel at their radical acceptance of the seemingly endless spectrum of the human condition.
Sheera not only listens when someone is seeking their counsel. They actually tune in their senses to hear all the things you are saying without actually saying them. When I talk to them, I picture their mind like a computer processor, simultaneously doing real-time input from you while reaching across their vast intellectual command of the humanities to pull context from ancestral knowledge, cultural heritage, societal constructs, scientific fields of inquiry, emotional learning, formal academia, and even fanfiction. Their power to make these connections results in some of the most comprehensive, pragmatic, and optimistic approaches to my problems that I have ever heard.
Specifically, Sheera helped me reset my vexing relationship with food, caffeine, and hydration. Their own exhaustive research and experience breaking patterns meant they were able to provide me with small, actionable steps to penetrate my wall of reluctance and habit. The benefits I felt after just small tweaks were powerful and made it easier to progress to more substantial changes, all under their gentle guidance. When dealing with food and body image issues, the benefits of having their innate credulity and compassion were especially potent.
Sheera also helped me process traumas from many toxic relationships over the years, whether with work, family, religion, or intimate partners. Perhaps the most significant part of my life where their guidance was most impactful was when they helped me recognize that I was in a relationship with a narcissist. They firmly but kindly showed me that the way he was treating me was not my fault and wasn't acceptable, and then supported me through my recovery when I got myself out of the situation. Over the years, they reassured me time and again that I deserved better in a relationship, and that it was possible to find a love that felt nourishing and reciprocal, instead of draining, confusing, and painful which was all I'd ever known. They believed in it that healing for me even when I couldn't imagine the possibility, and held that energetic space for me until I arrived there myself.
I will unabashedly take credit as someone who urged them for years to take up a vocation as a life coach or lay therapist, as I was so acutely aware of how much they had to offer to those in need of counsel, comfort, and compassion. Now they are equipped with spiritual forces that I will not pretend to comprehend, but that are only enhancing their natural ability to bring healing and recovery. It is like they have been given super powers to charge up their innate intelligence and curiosity for the rest of us to benefit. They are always seeking ways to learn, improve, and contribute to the highest good.
I hope you will consider making Sheera a part of your journey, wherever it takes you. I believe you will only be better for doing so.”
– May W.
“She is great at helping to fully recognize what is at the root of any obstacle, and to understand how it developed and stop the repeating cycles and patterns.”
“Sheera is so caring and supportive when working through issues on personal and/or professional levels. She helps me find the correct words to adequately describe what emotions I'm feeling, which is validating AND so helpful in allowing myself to process how I feel. She is gentle yet challenges me to step out of my comfort zone in a way to promote personal growth. I highly recommend working with Sheera. She is great at helping to fully recognize what is at the root of any obstacle, and to understand how it developed and stop the repeating cycles and patterns.”
– Kim D.
“I was blown away. They were so confident and matter of fact when they explained to me that I am a healer, too!”
“I came to Sheera for help with some physical issues but my spirit guides also had another item on the agenda!! They showed me that my problems that I’ve been going through are an initiation. I have always done healing work for my children but never imagined going beyond that. When I asked Sheera if I might have the ability, they immediately said, “Yes, of course, I felt that as soon as I met you.” I was blown away. They were so confident and matter of fact when they explained to me that I am a healer, too! They gave me information about modalities to look into, suggestions for how to practice, and connected me with two guides that would help me continue to develop. I’m so grateful that this information came through and excited to see where it will lead next.”
– Clara R.
“Now, I am singing again, and channeling sound healing like the Divine Instrument that the Creator designed me to be.”
“When my daughter started working with me, I had been getting more and more energetically stagnant for years. I wasn’t taking good care of myself, and I was having physical challenges speaking and pronouncing words. My jaw and teeth were causing me pain daily. Then she told me that my Guides wanted to help me, and that she was here to help me, and I realized how much I needed help. I’d been wishing for help for so long and hadn’t seen that she was right right in front of me all along.
I have been looking for my spiritual path as long as I can remember. Classes, workshops, so many different teachers. I felt so connected when I was with others, but it was so difficult to keep up when I was home again. Then my Guides sent the message that they “would not rest until I was using my gifts to make a difference other people’s lives,” and that was my final wake up call to stop waiting! That my Guides were putting in so much work, and it was time for me stop resisting and finally take my steps.
She helped me declutter my space and she took care of the rest of the house. She connected me with another healer who helped me release so many negative energies I was carrying in my jaw. We released old traumas my body still remembered even though I hadn’t thought about them in years. She created a dental care routine with energy work exercises to heal my mouth and open up my voice. She also helped me work through my fears of channeling, because I didn’t know how to handle the sensations or my fear of opening up.
Now, I am singing again, and channeling sound healing like the Divine Instrument that the Creator designed me to be. The people I am practicing with are giving me such lovely feedback, and I am so joyous to be fulfilling my purpose.”